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Dr. Kalyani Miranda M.B.B.S (Colombo), MD (Radiology)

During my formative years I was deeply attached to my father. Growing up as the daughter of an Air Force Officer, we were strictly brought up. Following prayers and meditation was part of our daily household routine.

As a child, three questions formed in my mind as I sat with my family during our daily meditation sessions.

1. If Buddha is compassionate why did he not give me one simple way to attain enlightenment?

2. Why was I not born during Buddha’s lifetime since it was much easier to attain enlightenment in his presence?

3. I also pondered: “Who I am?” Where I came from and why I was born especially during this time.

My father’s answers to my questions were that I was born in this era because I didn’t have enough merit to have had access to the Buddha and therefore He “the Buddha” could not summon me.

But still these questions remained with me throughout my life.

I believed that as the Buddha is compassionate he would save all mankind, inclusive of people who have less merit. So I began to search for this salvation.

I first encountered the practice of the Lotus Sutra through SGI-UK. Since then I have been practicing the Sutra in participation with different sects of Nichiren Buddhism. I want to share my independent views of this practice and experiences in order to enhance the faith of all people who chant.

I am a radiologist by profession. I have been in the light of the Lotus Sutra for the past thirty years. And through This supreme sutra I believe that I have finally found the answers I was searching for

These answers came to me as inspirations when I continued to follow the Lotus Sutra and faithfully practice chanting. I began to realize the far-reaching significance of this wonderful and eloquent Sutra and after many years of chanting I have no doubt that this is the salvation that I was searching for. I feel that I have found the compass to lead me in the proper direction.

I was able to justify these answers to my inquiring mind. I am presenting this book to you, as an introduction to this wonderful and eloquent sutra. I have written this book using the insight I received by practicing the “profound Lotus sutra”, which is very simple to practice, irrespective of the capacity of your mind. The views contained in this book are not given as concrete facts, but as a basis to form your own individual judgment.

I believe that Buddhism is a probing, rational religion, which promises to have a major impact in modern times. I have tried to convey in this book the most essential details of practice and action of the Lotus Sutra, as I have understood it.

I tried to present my views in a style, which I hope is easily understood. To achieve this end I have used the simplest possible language and I have tried to explain my views using simple examples, which everybody can relate to

I believe that one unique power influences us all and that it is common to all living beings and is shared by the whole world, thereby uniting us all in soul and spirit. Every religion helps us reach this universal power through its teachings in different ways. To me the Lotus Sutra is the quickest method of tapping this universal power.

I do not present the views in my book as concrete facts but as a concept which has given me much insight and it has also helped many people to follow this practice I hope that this book could provide some insight for your analytical mind.


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