3 Easy Steps to Start Chanting Today

1. Sit or kneel comfortably, facing East with Palms held together, You can do this facing an Altar / Buddha statue or a peaceful corner of your home.

2. Bring to mind that you are about to chant the Lotus Sutra which was expounded by the Buddha himself in order to connect with the Buddha energy or the living Buddha. 
  • You can also bring to mind a goal you wish to achieve or a problem you wish to overcome.
3. Start chanting 'Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo' 10 to 20 minutes twice a day. You can gradually increase the time spent chanting as you wish.

What Is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo  

How To Chant

You should aim to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo as a daily practice. Ideally 15 or more minutes twice a day (in the morning and evening ). But if you are unable to do so I request you to start chanting at least five minutes a day. When chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo you will begin to experience a positive change in your life and feel the effects of the Buddha energy. Read More

The Essence Of The Lotus Sutra

The Lotus Sutra in essence inspires us to believe and seek refuge in the wonderful and miraculous power of the Buddha. (the mystic law which Buddha achieved) to face and win the challenges of our day-to-day life. It enables us to empower our soul to ultimately attain Buddhahood. Believing in the divine power of the Buddha is very difficult Read More

How Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Works

Chanting is like an arrow sent to a target. This arrow will definitely hit the target. Whatever the obstacle that comes in its way the arrow will pierce through or disperse in order to hit the target accurately. Likewise when we chant to achieve a goal we could overcome any obstacle that may come in our way. Read More

The Ninth Consciousness

The first five consciousness’s are the five perceptions or senses, which are:Sixth consciousness is identification (using the five perceptions).
Seventh consciousness is judgment.
Eighth consciousness is karma.
Ninth consciousness is inert wisdom or enlightenment.
Read More

Vishawa Kirana Foundation

This foundation was created together with my book and online portal with the vision of helping propagate the Lotus Sutra among the citizens of Sri Lanka and ultimately the world. So that we may all benefit from this wonderful and eloquent sutra which was gifted to us by the great Shakyamuni Gauthama Buddha with the promise "To save all us living beings of the Saha world", While enriching and nourishing our day to day life with the Buddha energy. So that we may lead a fruitful and joyous life as we journey towards our salvation.

Dear Visitor,
This website contains excerpts from my book and was designed to help a devotee of the Lotus Sutra, to further his/her practice. If you are visiting this site without any previous introduction to or experience in practicing 'Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo'


I understand that the ideas presented here, may sound unbelievable or even ridiculous to you. Be that as it may if you have visited this site wondering if the practice of the Lotus Sutra is for you or if at this time you find yourself with an unsolvable problem or a challenge in life which seems to you unachievable, then I urge you to take up the chanting challenge....... and experience for yourself the power of the Lotus Sutra.

Nam Myo Ho Ren Ge Kyo

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Stay In The Light : A Guide To The Practice of Lotus Sutra

I have been in the light of the Lotus Sutra for the past thirty years. And through This supreme sutra. I believe that I have finally found the answers I was searching for.

These answers came to me as inspirations when I continued to follow the Lotus Sutra and faithfully practice chanting. I began to realize the far-reaching significance of this wonderful and eloquent Sutra and after many years of chanting I have no doubt that this is the salvation that I was searching for. I feel that I have found the compass to lead me in the proper direction.

I was able to justify these answers to my inquiring mind. I am presenting this book to you, as an introduction to this wonderful and eloquent sutra. I have written this book using the insight I received by practicing the "profound Lotus Sutra", which is very simple to practice, irrespective of the capacity of your mind. The views contained in this book are not given as concrete facts, but as a basis to form your own individual judgment.

I believe that one unique power influences us all and that it is common to all living beings and is shared by the whole world, thereby uniting us all in soul and spirit. Every religion helps us reach this universal power through its teachings in different ways. To me the Lotus Sutra is the quickest method of tapping this universal power.

I hope that this book could provide some insight for your analytical mind.