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Vishawa Kirana Foundation

Our Vision

This foundation was created together with my book and online portal with the vision of helping propagate the Lotus Sutra among the citizens of Sri Lanka and ultimately the world.

So that we may all benefit from this wonderful and eloquent sutra which was gifted to us by the great Shakyamuni Gauthama Buddha with the promise "To save all us living beings of the Saha world", While enriching and nourishing our day to day life with the Buddha energy. So that we may lead a fruitful and joyous life as we journey towards our salvation.

Our Mission

To re-energize Sri Lanka with the "Vishwa shakthi" (Buddha energy) which was once prevalent in our country, during the time when Abhayagiriya viharaya was given royal patronage and Buddhayana was venerated.

I would like to awaken Sri Lankans to re discover this link to the "Vishwa shakthi" (Buddha energy) that we enjoyed during our glorious past, and use the light of the Lotus Sutra to once again re-energized our mother land with the blessings, guidance and protection of the "Vishwa shakthi" (Buddha energy).

Through the practice of Ekayana, Sri Lanka will re-achieve its former glory and through international propagation. I believe we can come one step closer to global peace.

Dr. Kalyani Miranda M.B.B.S (Colombo), MD (Radiology)

During my formative years I was deeply attached to my father. Growing up as the daughter of an Air Force Officer, we were strictly brought up. Following prayers and meditation was part of our daily household routine.

As a child, three questions formed in my mind as I sat with my family during our daily meditation sessions.

1. If Buddha is compassionate why did he not give me one simple way to attain enlightenment?

2. Why was I not born during Buddha’s lifetime since it was much easier to attain enlightenment in his presence?

3. I also pondered: “Who I am?” Where I came from and why I was born especially during this time.

My father’s answers to my questions were that I was born in this era because I didn’t have enough merit to have had access to the Buddha and therefore He “the Buddha” could not summon me.

But still these questions...Read More

Stay In The Light : A Guide To The Practice of Lotus Sutra

I have been in the light of the Lotus Sutra for the past thirty years. And through This supreme sutra. I believe that I have finally found the answers I was searching for.

These answers came to me as inspirations when I continued to follow the Lotus Sutra and faithfully practice chanting. I began to realize the far-reaching significance of this wonderful and eloquent Sutra and after many years of chanting I have no doubt that this is the salvation that I was searching for. I feel that I have found the compass to lead me in the proper direction.

I was able to justify these answers to my inquiring mind. I am presenting this book to you, as an introduction to this wonderful and eloquent sutra. I have written this book using the insight I received by practicing...Read More

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