Sri Lankan Background

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Abhayagiriya Stupa

Situated in the Sacred City of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. It was one of the greatest monastic cities of the ancient world, 437 BC-845 AD, A World Heritage Site.

The third of Anuradhapura's great monasteries, Abhayagiri lies on the northern side of the city. The great monastery was founded by King Vatttagamani Abhaya (Valagambahu) (104-76 BC) in 88 BC.

Almost a Lost city in its self, Abhayagiri monastery is one of the most interesting & atmospheric quarters of Anuradhapura. The sheer scale of the ruins of the monastery is enormous; the setting, scattered amidst beautiful light woodland, is magical;

The Chinese traveller Buddhist bhikku (monk) Fa Hien, visiting Sri Lanka in the fifth century AD recorded that there were 5000 monks in residence. Bhikku Fa...Read More

The Moon Stone or sandakadapahana in Anuradhapura

The Sandakada pahana seen in the premises of Abhayagiri today, was not carved as a footstone. The footstones of Abhayagiri were square shaped stones with a single stem of creepers carved on them. The Sandakada pahana symbolizes the Lotus Sutra and this would have been above the entrances to the Abhayagiri Vihara.

The outer semicircle symbolizes fire or the flames of Sansara. (suffering-laden cycle...Read More

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