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How To Chant

You should make chanting "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" a daily practice. Ideally 15 or more minutes twice a day (in the morning and evening). But if you are unable to do so I request you to start chanting at least five minutes a day.

You can start chanting "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" regularly while venerating the Buddha in your mind remembering that the lotus sutra signifies the living Buddha. as you chant regularly you will begin to feel energized and you will experience a positive change in your life, you will feel the Buddha energy empowering your day to day life. with this your faith will grow and so will your practice.

Alternatively, you can concentrate on a problem or goal that you are faced with in life, and that you wish to overcome or achieve through the help of the Buddha Energy. Chanting "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo" is a means of contacting the universal energy or Buddha energy directly, thus we can ask for guidance or help from the Buddha directly.
As you continue to chant regularly you will experience the Buddha energy through positive changes in your life. You will find that your problem will be resolved or your goal met in the best possible way at the correct time.
With this your faith will grow and so will your practice.

There are three steps associated with chanting. These are faith, practice and study. Practice is the most important factor. Even if you don’t have faith when you start practicing you will develop faith, especially when you continue chanting and your desires are being fulfilled. Once you have developed faith you could study about the Sutra and by this time you would acquire a non- deluded mind and you will be able to understand the teachings of the Lotus Sutra correctly.

I mentioned earlier that in this era everything could be criticized giving hundred points either way. Similarly if you try to start studying the Sutra, before practicing it (chanting) you could become completely biased and develop a deluded mind.

To begin chanting…

Place a table alongside a blank wall (in the Eastward direction). On this table, place a lit lamp (or candle), a incense stick, a glass (or cup) of water and some flowers or a bunch of flowers in container with water so that the flowers will not wither. If possible, keep some fruits in a bowl. All this is done in the same manner that offerings are made in the Thervada tradition, to the five elements; water, fire, air, earth and space.

Sit comfortably, facing east, with palms held together in worship, Meditate bringing into mind that:

The Buddha Energy and the Dhamma Energy which signifies the living Buddha, are always around us; and that the vibrations created by my chanting the Sadaswara Mantra connects me with the Buddha Energy. This will in return give me the strength to carry out my daily activities satisfactorily and successfully.

Thereafter recite aloud at a slow pace "Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo" three times.

Homeage to Buddha

“In order to save myself from the sins I have accumulated throughout cycle of rebirth (Sansara) I will, from now onwards, until I attain Buddhahood, continue diligently and without interruptions, worshipping and paying homeage to the Dharma dhatu wherein Living Buddha is present and the pre-eminent Dhamma is enshrined”. Chant "Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo" three times at a slow pace.

Continue the worship by chanting "Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo" at a faster pace (about 35 to 38 times per minute) for 15 minutes or longer.

Thereafter, repeat "Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo" three times at a slower pace as done earlier.

You can also reflect on the following:

“The Buddha revealed through the Lotus Sutra, to those future Bodhisattvas to be born on this earth, that he who attains Buddhahood through the practice of this Sutra will be equivalent to the Eternal Buddha”


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